
Gen. bwonaparte is my nickname that was given to me by my friends during the history class.


Monday, January 23, 2012


ok if these animals could really be this thoughtful then it really deserves this cap because he is really spoiling the creature's home .i hope he will find "good "when he retires to his hut. 


sometimes it pays to look because you nevr know what going to drop on you from above.

Agricultural information systems and services in Uganda

An agricultural information system can defined as system where agricultural information is generated ,transformed , transferred,consolidated received and fed back in such a way that all these processes function to synergistic-ally to underpin knowledge utilisation by agricultural producers.


 IN Uganda there are many players in the agricultural field that is mainly researchers.agricultural scientists , farmers ,policy makers, Agribusiness and factories,the middle men ,and finally the the consumers of that agricultural produce.From the above mentioned players in the field there is a lot of information which is being generated in the various activities carried out by such players and there is need for that information that is being generated by them to be disseminated to the rightful people so that their is better planning is made to address the problems agriculturalists in this country are suffering from.

Information generators in the agricultural sector in Uganda are the researchers, Agricultural Scientists ,these specialize in finding out solutions to old problems about the productivity of agricultural crops and improving their quality and on top of they identify which are the best soils for the crops but all the information which they produce is recorded in books or agricultural journals which is good for the educated but here in Uganda most farmers are information illiterates that is to say they are not aware of that information existence so they can utilise it and to make matters worse the extension workers  who used to bridge that gap are no where to be seen in the grass roots to share the research information with the local farmers and the policy makers in this country only identify with only successful farmers to say that the projects the set out in their project plans are going on successfully.

So there is need to revive the extensions workers to share this information which has been created from various information sources like the commodity associations,policy makers ,the researchers, agricultural scientists ,agro-business industries to the farmers who are really producing the core of the agriculture sector that is their produce.  


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not my father

the many districts of uganda

The decentralization of the country
The number of districts in Uganda is rising at an alarming rate so there is are many questions that are being raised in people’s minds as to whether the created districts are essentially created for better service provision or they made because they want to satisfy the local population on voting very well in the previous elections.lets review the the previous to the current district status of the country Uganda

 from the above one can realize how many districts existed before the splitting of the then districts in order to win political mileage.whether this was some sort of blackmail from the voters towards the ruling government or the president trying to gain some political votes for his upcoming "third term" elections  in 2006.
Fast forward to 2011uganda 2011

from the above map one can really justify what the country has gone through the past decade.The districts are numerous that even a map maker can not really keep up the pace with making current and up to date maps  of the districts of Uganda.


Monday, January 16, 2012


wonder what these mice where doing inside the belly of a serpent.
Dan collins is a very funny cartoonist  so i managed to browse through  the many of his galleries and this captured my imagination. For those who don't flush their toilets  one day you will wake up to find the shit when it has liven up and then you wonder what the hell went wrong! couldn't stop laughing just of the thought of such a day.

how africans really takelong to understand some things

Now even though this cartoon drawing is from the colonial times. their are villages in Africa where a father to an  albino will vehemently deny the kid because the is "white" and to make matters worse  is when in that community their is white person or the community is very often visited by by tourists of another color. So the father is very convinced that father of the dammed kid must be white.
 for the part of goats that i will explain next time with the necessary references.